Sunday 1 December 2013

Opening Sequences - homework

Examples of opening sequences:


Narrative function: Starts with a voice from an advert, promoting 'pleasantville'.
Conventions displayed: Cartoon sequence becomes an advert. Then from advert to real life.
Characters introduced: A brother and his sister are introduced. They are both very different characters, the brother is an outsider/cast away, while his sister is popular and has a boyfriend. We are also introduced to the 'Pleasntville' family.
Cinematography: Use of black and white, conveys that this is in the past. Colour is used to replicate mood.
Cameras/Editing: Trick conversation between the brother and a girl he likes. The framing hides the information that he is talking to himself, and the girl is in the distance. A voice over is also used.


Narrative function: Title conveyed tells the audience that it is set in Angel City, Los Angeles. The genre is quickly introduced through the demon on the ceiling.
Conventions displayed: Warner Brothers picture. The title for the film is shown quickly, there is continuity with the font.
Cinematography: Orangey HUE, conveys the atmosphere and the genre of the film.
Cameras/Editing: Orangey HUE, trail shot, sound-bridge to orange light from a warm kitchen and women on the ceiling conveys iconography.

Legally Blonde:

Narrative function: Montage sequence to tell story, set scene and compress time. Narrative without dialogue, only music/sound.
Conventions displayed: Childish, stereotypical pink colour. Childish pink font and title, matches genre.
Characters introduced: Blonde girl riding bicycle, passing around a card for the other students to sign. The audience gathers that they are students, when she rides past several boys outside their student home. The card is for Elle, who is about to go on a date with a boy called Warner. This is gathered through dialogue and the image of Warner in Elle's bedroom.
Cinematography: Pink colour signifies genre. Bright colours signify happiness and also the genre.
Cameras/Editing: High energy soundtrack. Music - "perfect day" - matches the "perfect" world they are in. Tracking of card, vary of shots and a montage.

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