Sunday, 6 April 2014

Sound - Non-diegetic & diegetic

Diegetic sound:
Diegetic sound is visible on-screen, and the audience can easily depict where the source has come from. The sound may have come from something present in the action of the film. The sound is known as an 'actual sound', that can occur on-screen or off. Some examples can be:

  • voices of characters
  • sounds made by objects in the action of the film, e.g. lightning or a car engine

Non-diegetic sound:
The source for this type of sound is not visible on-screen nor is it present in the action of the film. The audience can easily depict that this sound has come form something outside the film. The sound is known as 'commentary sound'. Some examples can be:

  • narrator's commentary
  • sound effects added for dramatic effect

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